Glass blower

While our anti-plastic straw campaign, The Last Straw for Wanstead, continues, there is definitely a mood around to reduce wasted plastic even more.

One trend spotted by the Guardian is a sudden growth in the number of households ordering their milk from a milkman. Maybe it’s the glass bottles, the electric engines, or the charming tradition. But whatever the reason, Parker Dairies – which serves Wanstead with at least two rounds, the celebrated Steve and his oppo, Dave (pictured) – is reporting literally hundreds of new customers since the New Year.

If you want to join the new customers, you can contact Parker Dairies on Twitter or via their website

2 thoughts on “Glass blower”

  1. We have been ordering milk from Parker Dairies since we moved to Wanstead almost 20 years ago. Our milkman Bob is a complete star and has never missed a delivery – even when there’s been deep snow on the ground. So wonderful to see people using their milkman and saving all those plastic bottles from having to be recycled or landfilled!

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