Holy Trinity plan opponents speak

Image: Project Arclight

Residents near Holy Trinity church on Hermon Hill who are against its plan to redevelop its site are speaking out against the venture.

The plan, as reported last month here, involves replacing two church halls and a vicarage with a new church hall, 19 residential flats in a three-storey apartment building, nine town houses, a children’s play area and new landscaping.

Public consultation on the plan has reopened and goes on until 26 March.

Members of the SoWo Residents group are objecting to the plan, saying: “This is not just about opposing change—it’s about questioning whether the right kind of change is happening.

“The church’s architects have dismissed the heritage and community value of these buildings. But many of the local residents strongly disagree and feel that the consultation process has been deeply flawed — many people living directly opposite the site were unaware of the intense scale of the proposals.”

On the project website, the vicar of Holy Trinity, the Rev Abi Todd, wrote that community consultation had taken place since the plan was first devised in early 2024, and that details of the consultation including drop-in sessions were part of the application, available on the Redbridge Planning Portal 

4 thoughts on “Holy Trinity plan opponents speak”

  1. It is a four storey block of flats – not three. The scout hut is a memorial to local war hero, David Wilkerson DSO..

    1. I was really shocked by the size of the development, the profit it will make, and the loss of mature trees. It won’t help the road safety problems there either.

  2. I live very close to the proposed development and think it will bring an improvement to the area – the current Church facilities are very run down and there has been extensive consultation.

  3. It is an oversized development which is not in keeping with the local area and the loss of the buildings could easily be rectified by suitable refurbishment not demolition.

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