Wanstead writer and poet Victoria Richards will be the guest at the Wanstead Social Distance Club on Friday lunchtime at 1pm, speaking about her work and performing some of her poems. Please note, some of the poems are not suitable for children.
The Wanstead Social Distance Club is open to all Wansteadium readers (and is our attempt to help keep community life alive in these weird times). All you need to do is click this Zoom link at some time before 1pm on Friday 24 April and join us for the event, which will last 30 minutes.
About Victoria
Victoria Richards is a journalist and writer. In 2017/18 she was shortlisted in the Bath Novel Award and the Lucy Cavendish College Fiction Prize, was highly commended for poetry in the Bridport Prize and came third in The London Magazine Short Story Competition. A collection of her poetry was published in May 2019 alongside two other poets in Primers: Volume Four, with Nine Arches Press, and in 2020 she came second in the Magma Poetry Competition. Find her at www.twitter.com/nakedvix or www.victoriarichards.co.uk.
Can you post a link so we can watch again please, I couldn’t join on 24th and am most disappointed to have missed this Social Distance Club session. Thanks