Wanstead Society to replant Nightingale Green

The Wanstead Society is inviting people to join it in replanting Nightingale Green on Saturday.

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It says the green is “looking rather shabby and unloved”, so is inviting people to turn up outside the Nightingale Pub at 11am on Saturday to join in planting news plants and shrubs in the “currently rather bare” beds.

BBC London’s cab visited Wanstead

BBC London has an election cab, and on its first day it visited Wanstead. The team behind it tweeted:

@BBCLondonCab: talking to locals on Gordon (geddit?) Road in Wanstead – feeling here is politicians are all the same…

Meanwhile, according to a Wanstead Guardian article by the inestimable Claire Hack, the polls could be for an upset. According to a straw poll of people in Wanstead, the election will be as follows:

Labour: 0 votes
BNP: 1 vote
UKIP: 1 vote
Conservative: Possibly 1 vote
Liberal Democrat: Possibly 1 vote
Undecided: 1
Abstain: 1

This would obviously be a disaster for Labour, representing a decline from a 48.5% share of the vote in 2005, but of course that was when the constituency had slightly different boundaries, so perhaps that’s what has made the difference.

Wanstead’s Cuckfield Garage unveiled

Some were sceptical when work started on redeveloping the Cuckfield Garage in Wellington Road, Wanstead, fearing that the historic building might not survive the process.

But the hoardings are down, and the resulting mix of shopfronts and flats looks fantastic. It’s thought the underground petrol tanks have also been removed.

The building started life as the stables for guests visiting the Cuckfield Hotel – now the pub – before becoming a petrol station and eventually just a £5-a-time carwash forecourt.

The new premises are being advertised through County Commercial agents.