Wanstead primary schools league tables

These are the primary school league tables, published on 1 December, based on the performance of 11-year-olds in National Curriculum “sats” tests. The %English, %Maths and %Science columns show percentage of pupils who met or exceeded the government’s level 4 target score. The aggregate column combines these columns, and the “value added” column shows how well a school assists its pupils, balanced for factors like social class, ethnic make-up, and affluence. (100 = what it should be doing, less = underperforming, more = overperforming.)
Full tables at the BBC at this page.
For ease of reference, a couple of South Woodford schools are included here.

%English %Maths %Science Aggregate Value
94 92 95 281 100.5
Snaresbrook 88 93 93 274 100.6
93 89 93 274 99.4
Nightingale 91 88 93 272 101.3
91 76 83 250 99.9
Lady of Lourdes
83 72 95 250 99.4
Aldersbrook 69 73 86 227 99.1

Future of Wanstead URC halls

EXCLUSIVE: Wansteadium can reveal that the new occupants of the Wanstead United Reformed Church halls in Grove Road and Nightingale Lane are to be a nursery which is already based in Wanstead.

[googlemaps http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&q=united+reformed+church+wanstead&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=united+reformed+church&hnear=wanstead&cid=0,0,17958645608485888495&ei=bj4QS5nAFIqu4QaS0JWGBA&ved=0CAgQnwIwAA&t=h&ll=51.57891,0.025878&spn=0.005334,0.008583&z=15&output=embed&w=200&h=200]
EXCLUSIVE: Wansteadium can reveal that the new occupants of the United Reformed Church halls in Grove Road and Nightingale Lane are to be a nursery which is already based in Wanstead.

The church has said that the proposed buyer would preserve the existing community use, and you can see this being a possibility, especially if the halls were used, as Wansteadium understands is the case, for an after-school club.

The halls were put up for sale to help the URC raise £750,000 to repair the 150-year-old Grade II-listed church building itself. It’s an interesting building, because it was transplanted in Wanstead from its original site in King’s Cross.

If this deal means that the groups which currently use it – Scouts etc – continue to be able to do so, then lots of people will think this is all round a good deal, though there were plenty of opponents of the sale. Most people probably assumed that it would be sold to property developers – and it’s true that as you walk down Nightingale Lane, it’s clear just what an impressive building the Grove Hall is (see right).

Wanstead Guardian has more details on the sale of the halls here (though not the exclusive detail above)