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Wanstead Church Services

Churches around Wanstead Various addresses, London

  Christ Church 8am - Holy Communion 9.30am – Sung Eucharist with Nursery and Junior Church 6.30pm – Healing Service (1st Sunday of the Month) More details St Mary's 11am Morning Prayer (1st Sunday of the Month)      Sung Eucharist (2nd,  3rd & 4th Sundays) More details Our Lady of Lourdes Saturday: Vigil Mass 6.30pm  Sunday: Masses … Continue reading "Wanstead Church Services"

Wanstead Farmers’ Market

Wanstead High Street Wanstead High Street, London

The regular farmers' market on Wanstead High Street featuring food, crafts, gifts, local traders.

STAAR Spring Mini Market

Wanstead United Reformed Church Nightingale Lane, Wanstead

Friendly fund raising event for STAAR projects that create opportunities for local autistic and neurodivergent children and young people. Stalls selling handmade cards, fairtrade items, books and jigsaws, tombola and homemade cakes and refreshments.
