You might be carrying the Wanstead handbag. You might even be wearing the Wanstead boots. But if you were riding a horse named Wanstead, what would you be expecting?
Let Wansteadium introduce you to Wanstead Diva, a two-year-old Arabian Filly currently residing in New South Wales. She is, according to her owner, an
Anglo Arab Filly DOB: 12/11/2008, by 100% crabbet stallion out of my beautiful, calm, relaxed, never fizzed, TB mare that done everything, dressage, sj and x country (even played a chukka or 2 of polo) easy mare that was a true all rounder and Diva is going to follow in her mums hoof prints.
Understand all that, and you might be prepared to part with AUS$3,000 for the animal. But what would you get for the money? Suggestions, please, via comments here, or on Facebook or Twitter. (Thanks to spotter @nick_affleck)
UPDATE: Wansteadium reader Philip adds, remarkably:
Naturally if you were riding Wanstead Diva, clutching your Radley Wanstead handbag and wearing your Wanstead boots, you might also want to wear your Wanstead Jodhpurs.