Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you…. wait for it…

greensmallThe unveiling of the line-up of events for the Wanstead Fringe is now just hours away – it will begin later on Monday on Wansteadium. But before we get into that, there are some housekeeping matters to address.

Firstly we need to say THANK YOU to several donors for offering financial support for the fringe. Giving us, say, £20 will help with publicity for the event. And we do in particular need to thank Petty Son and Prestwich for a significant donation which is making the whole thing a great deal more viable. Contact if you too feel your desire – nay, need – to support the general cultural improvement of Wanstead life is something you can no longer subdue (ie if you want to give us some money).

Here is a sponsor’s message.

But there are other practical ways you can help.

* Can you donate two or three reams of good quality A4 for the printing of the Fringe programme?
* Do you have access to a quantity (say, 50?) of foldable chairs? Could the fringe borrow them for the week?
* Anyone fancy paying for a Fringe banner to be deployed at a strategic position? Probably about £50.
* Or how about printed balloons? That’d be a nice touch. (Some helium would be useful too, though not in the way the Daily Mail might think…)
* Will you put a Wanstead Fringe poster in your window? Let us know and one will be posted through your letterbox.
*W ill you help post Wanstead Fringe posters through the letterboxes of people who answer yes to the preceding question?
The answers to any or all of these questions should be sent to

Now stand by for the unveiling…