A new heroine for Wanstead readers

The second meeting of the Wanstead Social Distance Club is going to be a real treat. Crime author Alison Turner, known to Wansteadium readers as Anya Lipska, will be reading a chapter from her soon-to-be published new novel Body Language, written under the name AK Turner.

The club is an online meeting for any Wansteadium readers at which local figures are speaking about a variety of topics. Our first meeting on Monday of this week was a triumph and proved to us that events can take place successfully on Zoom.

Alison has been a great supporter of cultural events in Wanstead, including Fringe events for many years. Her series of crime novels featuring Kershaw and Kiszka were set in locations which were familiar to Wanstead readers.

Her new heroine, Cassie Raven, works as a mortuary assistant in Camden, and was featured in a short story broadcast on BBC Radio 4 last year

And in a mini-scoop for Wansteadium, this is a first look at the cover of the book, which is being published in November.

You can join the meeting on Monday 6 April at 5pm via this link.

John Rogers on walking, discovering nearby things, and good mental health

In the first meeting of the Wanstead Social Distance Club, author and film-maker John Rogers spoke about some of the walks he’s taken around our part of east London, and reflected on the joys of seeing things you hadn’t noticed before. You can watch the video of the session below, and watch out for the next meeting.


You can support John by watching his videos, buying his book, reading his blog, backing him on Patreon, or even buying an Eastern Avenue hoodie. True.

The first Wanstead Social Distance Club

UPDATE: This meeting is now past – you can read about it here.

The inaugural meeting of the Wanstead Social Distance Club takes place today at 1pm when author John Rogers will speak about some of the fascinating things he’s learned while walking around our bit of east London.

John was one of the first people to take part in the Wanstead Fringe and has been something of a stalwart. He is a constantly creative presence in our bit of East London, is author of the Lost Byway blog and the book This Other London, and is the maker of beautiful films.

Russell Brand calls him an alchemist, Iain Sinclair said he was a walker/writer from a better time.

The meeting is the first in a series of talks Wansteadium will be hosting during the lockdown. It will start at 1pm and finish by 1.30 – ideal, in other words, to take part in over a spot of WFH lunch.

To take part, click this link at some point before 1pm. The controls at the bottom of the screen allow you to “raise your hand” to ask a question. Otherwise when you join the meeting you will be on mute.


Here is a video John made on his most recent walk – it was taken before the lockdown – which includes some areas very close to home.

Introducing the Wanstead Social Distance Club

We’re delighted to announce the first meeting of the Wanstead Social Distance Club, a regular virtual gathering which will take place over the next few weeks for the entertainment of us all.

And we’re even more delighted to be able to tell you that the speaker at the first club meeting will be John Rogers, raconteur, film-maker, author and walker.

A regular at the Wanstead Fringe over the years, John is always interesting, curious and engaging. At the first meeting on Monday lunchtime at 1pm, he’s going to be talking about something suddenly close to all our hearts – walking around London.

To take part in the meeting, just click this link any time from 12.45pm on Monday. The meeting will be over by 1.30pm so that everyone can get back to work. Think of it as an interesting chat over a sandwich. (BYO)

If you miss the event, video of John’s talk will be available on Wansteadium afterwards.

We’re lining up future speakers. If you would like to volunteer or nominate someone, please drop us a line at info@wansteadium.com