Wanstead in second hedgehog shocker

Cheeringly, Wansteadium’s prediction that only a single hedgehog remains in Wanstead have been disproven – just. There is at least one more.

Reader Jon sent us this picture that his daughter Elsie had taken in Wanstead Park last weekend. The hog was “very active”, he said, and was “heading down the main track towards the Temple, no doubt en route to the tea hut”.

Remember folks, don’t leave tea and coffee out for hedgehogs. And if there are any more sightings, please send photos to info@wansteadium.com

A hidden hive in Wanstead

The roof of La Bakerie on Wanstead High Street has a secret: a beehive which has started producing honey for the cafe’s customers as well as helping to pollinate Wanstead’s gardens.

Owner Fabien Ecuvillon has harvested the first batch of honey and is now serving it on granola. As the hive grows the hope is that the honey could be sold in jars.

Wanstead’s final hedgehog

Wansteadium reader Sarah spotted Wanstead’s last surviving hedgehog. Once upon a time we used to invite people to send in pictures of any hedgehogs they saw in or about Wanstead, but sightings dwindled and we concluded there can’t be any left. We may be wrong though – if so, please send pictures to info@wansteadium.com. Please do prove us wrong. And if you need hedgehog care advice, here is some.

Imran can

Imran at the Cricket World Cup opening ceremony

What a pleasure to see this tweet, below, being promoted by Nissan – featuring Wanstead’s own Imran Asfhar and his father, stalwarts of the Tool Box. Imran organises the Stani Army, a Pakistan cricket supporters organisation, and was invited to the opening of the Cricket World Cup at Buckingham Palace.