A great Fringe Thursday saw sell-out crowds in three places at once across Wanstead. Here are some of the images:

Vincenzo Cossari at a packed More Italy reveals secrets of Olive Oil

Friday’s Fringe activities are almost under way ATOW.
*Two Jingle Bop sessions took place in the Cherry Tree, thanks to Fringe stalwart Suzi Harnett.
*The pop-up restaurant by Ali Noor, also in the Cherry Tree, is a sell-out and is setting up now.
*Jazz night with Martin Wheatley and Julie McKee is starting at the Wanstead Tap at 7.30pm. Just a few tickets left.
*The traditional and celebrated Fringe Acoustic Night, featuring Mick Terry, Ben Kelly, David Bird, James Healey and more besides will take place in the Manor House from 8.15. Free entry.
*A cocktail night at the Duke will feature the intriguing story of Hackney Downs-based vodka producers Our/Vodka.
A few words about Saturday
*Fringe favourite Tree Yoga – meet Kat at the Cherry Tree for yoga on the park – and help raise money to plant more trees. Meet at 10am.
*JUMBLE TRAIL – Nearly 50 stalls will be joining in the 2017 Fringe Jumble Trail. Here is a map for your reference, but you can also see a live map on your mobile at the Jumble Trail site… The weather forecast seems to be improving all the time, so a good day should be in store.
*Young musicians will play on Wanstead High Street around lunchtime.
*The Taste of Wanstead will take place on Christ Church Green at 2pm. Details here. It will be followed by a pre-Kinema BBQ for all those lucky enough to have Kinema tickets.
*The KINEMA – for many the highlight of the Fringe – swings back into action from 6.30. Bring something warm, something waterproof (just in case) and something to sit on. If it’s pouring, it will be held inside. But we don’t want to do that! We want another amazing Kinema evening.
*Ollie and Alex will round off a packed day with live music at the Nightingale.
*The Wanstead Festival – the event which gave the Fringe its inspiration – takes place on Christ Church Green on Sunday from 11am to 6pm – free entry.