#YouAintNoMuslimBruv proud to be a Londoner. Grew up in Wanstead, grandparents lived in Leytonstone. Thoughts with the poor victim
— Sarah Luker (@LaLouKaLaLouKa) December 6, 2015
Next door Wanstead's reaction to Leytonstone man is to all come onto the High St in a show of solidarity. Business as usual. @SkyNews
— Mark Stephens (@MarksLarks) December 6, 2015
#wanstead #leytonstone farmers market packed today. Singing. Shopping. Living. #YouAintNoMuslimBruv
— LHPR (@Lornamedia) December 6, 2015
#Leytonstone is in the parliamentary constituency of Leyton & Wanstead. https://t.co/JHj6Ja4Uu1
— Robert Kimbell (@RedHotSquirrel) December 6, 2015
Why Twitter users responded with #YouAintNoMuslimBruv to a stabbing attack at a London Tube station.
Posted by BBC News on Sunday, 6 December 2015