Wanstead Society is closing down

The Wanstead Society has announced it is closing because of a lack of volunteers.

The campaigning group was established in 1997 with the goal of saving the Evergreen Field from development. But with planning permission having been granted by Redbridge Council for a block of flats on the site, the society has decided it’s time has come.

“We feel that we have outlived our usefulness,” a newsletter told members. “We have continued to raise a variety of issues with the Council, principally around planning laws being broken, but are ignored. There comes a time when even the most hardy of organisations has to know when it’s time to go, and our time has come.”

The group does however take pleasure in its successes, which it lists as including:

  • Raising money for bins, benches and trees on the High Street
  • Helping set up and fund the Wanstead Community Gardeners
  • Opening up the once-bricked up flower beds by Wanstead Station
  • Helping establish the Wanstead Festival and sponsoring the Wanstead Fringe.

10 thoughts on “Wanstead Society is closing down”

  1. The good and inspiring work of the society has provide much to the fabric and inclusivity of Wanstead, its loss will be felt by all in the area, so sad that it has had to close due to the lack of new blood wishing to take on the the legacy which has been built up over the years.

  2. Sad to see this group of individuals close. Sad no younger persons coming through to keep the society going. Been a member for many years and looked forward to the newsletters that we received.

  3. Thank you for all your efforts over the years. The Evergreen decision was inevitable but you kept it at bay for many years. Regarding being ignored by the council, where do l start!

  4. A very flawed, secretive and undemocratic group posing as a charity – it wasn’t a registered charity despite its misleading claims. In my experience as a past committee member several years ago a few of the committee didn’t represent its members or the wider community. Good riddance. These groups are only as good as the committee steering them.

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