Wanstead, what happened to you?

Pic: Jennifer Schenck

The Wanstead municipal Christmas Tree has been up for more than two weeks now, and Wansteadium has to report it feels a bit let down that there is nothing much to report about it. This is an object which has been the source of so many rewarding blog posts down the years, from crowdsourcing to badger-lights, to only half of it being lit to… oh well just lots of things. But this year nothing. Nothing to report. No complaints, no issues, no disgruntlement. Wanstead, you’ve changed.

7 thoughts on “Wanstead, what happened to you?”

  1. What about the lights on the High Street. Someone pointed out that the Council had some themed lights up and then replaced them with rope lighting. All at the cost of the tax payer..

  2. No news is good news, eh? No vandalism, no faulty lights, no theft, no arson attack… = no news. Is it only news if it has an element of negativity involved , like many national newspaper stories ? Maybe people would like to know who supplied the tree or how many lights are on it or when it’s up until. This is also news.

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