Snaresbrook call for gardeners

The public-spiritedness of Wanstead gardeners is already legendary, with many spots around the area tended on a voluntary basis (not just the Corner House garden).

The call has gone out for any gardeners willing to donate plants to the garden on the eastbound platform at Snaresbrook station (see sign below). Though unpopular with late night reveller expecting to find themselves heading towards Hainault, Snaresbrook is one of the gems of the Central Line – the point at which, it has been said, the line seems to have left London and entered England.




Cherry Tree Cafe in Woodbine Place

Wansteadium reader @MissisBeekeeper tweeted this morning asking “anyone know what’s going on with new Cherry Tree Cafe?”

The answer can be found on our messageboard,, where RogerM posted this message:

The Cheery Tree Cafe in Woodbine Place is under new management. Previously run by Redbridge the cafe is now managed by HAIL, an organisation that supports adults with learning difficulties and which runs two other cafes in Haringey. Although the cafe is already open Monday to Friday, they [had] their formal opening on Friday 14 June between 10 and 3. …The cafe will [now] open 7 days a week 9.30 to 4.

It serves excellent sandwiches, delicious homemade cakes and a hot dish of the day. Coffee is also great. However its USP is the lovely sheltered garden, complete with eponymous cherry tree. Worth checking out, it is right opposite the children’s playground on Christchurch Green

Wanstead cricket, 8/9 June

Our man with pebbles in his pocket writes:

Two young cricketers sandwiched a fine weekend for Wanstead men’s cricket. Sunday saw under-16 batsman Finlay Chesney-Brown (right) scoring a superb undefeated 68 in the win against Woodford Green.

finlayOn Saturday, against a strong Upminster side Kishen Velani, who has also played for motley teams such as England U19, scored a fine century to set up victory in the club’s effort to retain the Premiership title.

Steve Ramdial’s half-century in the 2nds and three young players’ 50s for the 3rds led to wins against respective Woodford Wells sides.

The Herons’ 4th XI just scraped a draw against visitors Chingford, Sriram Pathmarajah continued his habit of avoiding buying jugs of beer by scoring 48 runs in the 5th team draw, and the 6th XI were simply not strong enough against Fives & Heronians 4th team.

The Heronettes headed for Harrow on Sunday but had to come away humbled.