Wanstead news roundup, 7.07.10; Toilets, lollipops, and curries

* Among the cuts forecast for Redbridge Borough Council are the complete closure of public toilets and the possible ending of lollipop men and ladies, the latter on the basis that most primary school children are accompanied to school anyway. It does mean there is a possible business opportunity for Christchurch Green, though. A former public toilet on Shepherd’s Bush Green became a trendy members’ club.

* Wanstead-toddlers-are-the-least-overweight-in-the-whole-of-Redbridge shock

* After 50 votes, it’s neck and neck between The Lane and Purbani for Wansteadium readers’ favorite Indian takeaway or restaurant. Voting still open here.

* And finally. This poster (below, but without the number being obscured) was spotted on the old antique shop next to the pet shop on Wanstead High Street. Either someone with a sense of humour and a car to dispose of, or someone put out of work by the closure of Wanstead Sauna whose poster has been amusingly annotated. There’s only one way to find out – ringing the number – but perhaps it can comfortably remain a mystery.

Wanstead landscapes (and roadscapes)

Matt Longmoor, a 20-year-old Wanstead photographer, has charted some of the sights of his teenage years with his nifty Canon S31S. He cites the landscapes of Ansel Adams as one of his inspirations, and it’s not hard to see what he means. (Anyone interested in contacting Matt – for prints or even commissions – can do by e-mailing matthew_j_longmoor[at]hotmail.co.uk.

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Eric’s Secrets – a poignant taste of Wanstead

Wansteadium reader Lucy Frankel passed on this amazing film of her grandfather Eric Frankel, who lived in the same Wanstead house for more than 50 years. The film is by Lucia Ashmore and is poignant, atmospheric, and worth taking time to watch. Eric is now 96 and lives in Ireland, but Wanstead was his home.

Eric’s Secrets from Wired Creative Video on Vimeo.

New house in Wanstead: Reviews invited…

Architecturally-minded readers of Wansteadium are invited to comment on the new house which has been built next door to the former United Reformed Church hall on Grosvenor Road. To the untrained eye there is nothing cheap about the new house, but your comments are invited, either in the comments field here or via wansteadium[at]gmail.com. Please state, if e-mailing, if you would rather remain anonymous.

UPDATE: Wansteadium regular @nutterlanedan tweets:

@Wansteadium looks like a slightly shrunken mini house…not entirely convincedless than a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone

Vote: What’s Wanstead’s best Indian?

With the much-acclaimed Tiffin Tin moving in to Wanstead, it’s time for the inaugural Wansteadium poll. Restaurant or takeaway, where do you think you get the best Indian meal in Wanstead?
[polldaddy poll=3562198]

Choice tweets about Wanstead, XVIII; the future of cricket?

3 members of the Wanstead cricket club under 15’s selected for the England unde 15’s. How good is that!!less than a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone