Wanstead Pottery: Throwing on the Wheel (Adult)

Welcome to Wanstead Pottery. A calm and inviting space​ ​for you to explore the marvellous medium of clay. Have fun experimenting with form, texture and decorative​ ​techniques and create​ ​something you will cherish​ ​with this natural, tactile and versatile material.​  Taster sessions are a fun way to introduce yourself to clay. In this introductory class … Continue reading "Wanstead Pottery: Throwing on the Wheel (Adult)"


POSTPONED: Jazz Vespers

Note: Because of a memorial service for Her Majesty the Queen, Jazz Vespers is being postponed to a later date.

The Power of Film

No pterodactyl discovered in Wanstead

Documentary filmmaker and screen writer Dan Endelstyn, who is trying to bring about practical change by building a renewable power station on his Walthamstow street, will be speaking on the … Continue reading "The Power of Film"


Wanstead Backgammon Society

The Duke 79 Nightingale Lane, Wanstead

Meeting of the Wanstead Backgammon Society. Free to all. Please contact pete.daly@ntlworld.com for more information
