Weekly service of Compline

St Mary the Virgin church Overton Drive, London, E11, United Kingdom

A short, reflective service of evening prayer held each Wednesday evening in St Mary's church on Overton Drive.

Hot Desk Fridays

Wanstead High Street Wanstead High Street, London, England, United Kingdom

A new co-working space has opened on 34-40 Wanstead High Street. Wanstead Works offers an array of work stations, breakout and meeting areas and private booths, as well as a … Continue reading "Hot Desk Fridays"

Wanstead Flats Parkrun

Wanstead Flats Playing Fields Harrow Road, London, England, United Kingdom

A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it's up to you! Free to take part but please register before you first come along.


Wellbeing Walks

Free walks organised by Redbridge Vision. This walk is Grade 2 - described as "a steady pace, some gentle slopes and uneven terrain". Meet on Christchurch Green, by the church.

Wanstead Backgammon Society

The Duke 79 Nightingale Lane, Wanstead

Meeting of the Wanstead Backgammon Society. Free to all. Please contact pete.daly@ntlworld.com for more information


Weekly service of Compline

St Mary the Virgin church Overton Drive, London, E11, United Kingdom

A short, reflective service of evening prayer held each Wednesday evening in St Mary's church on Overton Drive.

Hot Desk Fridays

Wanstead High Street Wanstead High Street, London, England, United Kingdom

A new co-working space has opened on 34-40 Wanstead High Street. Wanstead Works offers an array of work stations, breakout and meeting areas and private booths, as well as a … Continue reading "Hot Desk Fridays"

Wanstead Flats Parkrun

Wanstead Flats Playing Fields Harrow Road, London, England, United Kingdom

A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it's up to you! Free to take part but please register before you first come along.


Wellbeing Walks

Free walks organised by Redbridge Vision. This walk is Grade 2 - described as "a steady pace, some gentle slopes and uneven terrain". Meet on Christchurch Green, by the church.

Bad Mum’s Supper Club

Wanstead Works 34-40 High Street, Wanstead

This month, get ready to crack the code to your Love Language XOXO! Come along to a love-filled bash you won't forget! Here's a sneak peek of what's coming your way: Unravel the mystery of your love language Get pampered by our magic touch masseuse With crafts to keep the small ones entertained.   Here's … Continue reading "Bad Mum’s Supper Club"
