The old Grove Hall on Grosvenor Road – until a few years ago the church hall of Wanstead United Reformed Church – has undergone an enormous refurbishment in preparation for becoming a Montessori school.
The hall, now owned by Treehouse Nursery, will be hosting 90 under-fives each day, and will give employment to a significant extra number of staff. Grove Montessori, as it will be known, is to open in the next few weeks.
The building has for many years played a big part in the lives of Wanstead people – during the War, for instance, families whose houses had been bombed were allowed to store their furniture in the hall. It was an active church hall until a few years ago when it became an after school club.
But the new school has meant a large refurbishment by Treehouse owners Paul Samouelle and Maria Sanchez, including the addition of a second floor where the hall previously was.
The hall’s original doors have been retained The stained glass at the front of the hall has been completely replaced There is a stunning new room upstairs which shows the ceiling and a new view of the church A two-metre-long tropical fish tank A heated splash pool for the children One modern room of the hall has been demolished to give the school a bigger garden… … complete with barbecue hut
Looks really good – in some ways too god for kids to mess up and I wouldn’t let them in the room with the fishtank in – Is it only open to children or grown ups on certain days
It’s lovely but parking may become more of an issue in Grosvenor Road now. Let’s hope parents don’t park over residents’ drives.
It looks absolutely lovely – ‘play is a child’s work’ – Montessori