2019’s sights and sounds

There’s been a little delay in bringing you this (decompression, you know), but here is a collection of some of the sights and sounds of the Wanstead Fringe 2019.

Firstly though, thanks from the organisers to all those who either played a part whether as organisers, sponsors, participants, hosts, volunteers or attendees.

The aim of the Wanstead Fringe Association is to encourage cultural activities in Wanstead.  With attendance well into the thousands across the week’s events, we hope that goal has once again been achieved. 

Your feedback to the organisers is welcome at info@wansteadfringe.org – as well as ideas for next year or offers of help or (best of all) participation.

And to the gentleman who this morning asked staff in the Larder where THIS WEEK’s programme was because the one he had was for last week – apologies. This is the kind of thing that can only come around once a year.

To him and everyone else, please do sign up to follow very occasional updates from the Wanstead Fringe by clicking this button.

The big day

Dan Woodley, who is demonstrating his sculpting skills at Images in Frames on Saturday

It’s the biggest day ever for the Wanstead Fringe today, following what has undoubtedly been its biggest week.

The Jumble Trail kicks off with more than 100 stalls around Wanstead (see the live updated map at wansteadfringejumbletrail.org) including a central starting point at the Corner House car park on the High Street.

It will be worth stopping by Images in Frames, next door to Tesco’s, to see sculptor Dan Woodley demonstrate his skills. A Wanstead resident, he is by day a sculptor for Madame Tussauds and will be showing what it takes to create a likeness – in this case, of his son Henry.

Tonight’s Kinema show is completely sold out [STOP PRESS – MORE TICKETS JUST RELEASED], but there are still things to see – including one for all the family.

The Railway Children musical has two performances today – 3pm and 7pm – and one on Sunday at 3pm. Tickets are still available online and on the door.

We Must Throw the Cows Down the Ravine has a performance tonight following a hugely successful show on Friday night. Tickets are here or again on the door.

More tickets have been released for the children’s comedy gig on Saturday afternoon – Bam Bam, star of BGT, is on Saturday afternoon. Tickets here.

And of course there’s the Wanstead Festival on Sunday with the forecast looking great. But for the time being, here are some more scenes from the past couple of days:


With multiple Fringe events on Wednesday and Thursday and the theatre, music, comedy and Kinema coming at the weekend, these really are the days of our lives.

On Wednesday there is Improv Comedy at the Wanstead Tap, a Ukulele workshop (sold out) at More Italy, a talk from expert snappers Geoff Wilkinson and Stefan Rousseau (couple of tickets left) and a masterclass in making choux pastry at La Bakerie (four returned tickets now available).

On Thursday there is a double headlining comedy night from Chris McGlade and Gerry K, a Dixie-land jazz concert in the majesty of St Mary’s Church, a breadmaking masterclass and singer-songwriter Davey James at Luppolo.

For the weekend, there are still some Kinema spaces available, and also the highlight of this year’s Fringe, our attempt to turn Wanstead into theatreland: The Railway Children, The Border and We Must Throw The Cows Down the Ravine (Fri and Sat).

These are just some highlights – the full programme is at wansteadfringe.org. Don’t miss out. Meanwhile here are some scenes from the fringe so far…

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Well, today was the first day of the Wanstead Fringe Festival and what a day it was! There was kindness with Elsa Elsa Mark Arnold Mountney there was an amazing street party at the Duke Wanstead The cows even cane back to Wanstead courtesy of Karen Humpage. Whodunnit? – We found out with Isabelle Grey’s Crime writing session. As darkness fell the high powered telescopes came out at the cricket club for a bit of stargazing. After all that thank goodness it was time for Aperitivo Italiano at More Italy – we needed a beer! Thanks to all the people who worked so hard on their Fringe events today. You did us and Wanstead proud! #wansteadfringe #community Check out https://wansteadfringe.wansteadium.com and get your tickets for the other amazing events this week

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So another busy day at the Fringe and another amazing line up to fill Wanstead with music and light. The Cuckfield managed to combine great music and raise a shedloader money for Haven House (it’s the name of the band performing ok, I couldn’t resist!!!) Arnold the Wanstead cow moved to his temporary home at Majestic and The Jazz Vespers were just frankly wonderful. The Spreading kindness crew are now firing up the kiln for all the kindness messages, which you’ll find on the kindness tree at the festival on Sunday. We had a great comedy night with Jason Simmons the comedy hypnotist, we’d love to report on it but we can’t remember what happened. Woof! Thanks once again Wanstead for supporting the Wanstead Fringe. Remember get your tickets for the rest of the events at https://wansteadfringe.wansteadium.com #wansteadfringe #community #music #fun https://wansteadfringe.wansteadium.com

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Day 4 in the Wanstead Fringe House. Great to see so many of you at the Garden in the Sky event! Wanstead could look very different next year. Our king of comedy is 20 year old Aldersbrook comedian Matt Winterbotham ex Wanstead high pupil who won our best new act competition. A worthy winner, the standard was amazingly high so a real treat for all attendees. Don’t forget we have lots more events coming up this week so make sure you book your tickets and get it in your diary. Bring out your dead, sorry sort out your jumble, it’s nearly time for the Jumble Trail. There are loads of jumble stops and you’ll see by the Petty Son & Prestwich boards where they are. Alternatively get the map from the Wanstead Fringe site or pick up a printed copy from the Cornerhouse. There are some stalls there this year as well as maps. Keep supporting the events people are putting on and support your fringe. If you keep coming we’ll keep going #wansteadfringe #community #greatplacetolive https://wansteadfringe.wansteadium.com

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Free on-street parking to double to an hour

Now a rare sight

The free parking slot drivers in Redbridge will be given where parking is controlled is to double from 30 mins to an hour, the council has announced in a move which it says will support local shops.

Additionally, coin parking machines across the borough are to phased in out in favour of the RingGo system or contactless payments.

Leader of the Council, Cllr Jas Athwal, said the one-hour free parking gwould benefit residents and business.

He said: “We are committed to supporting residents and local businesses and by doubling the free parking allowance on Redbridge high streets to an hour, it will make it much easier for people to visit our local shops and help businesses grow. This will be a real boost for our high streets and help revitalise the local economy whilst making sure there is still a good level of turnover in parking bays – giving as many people as possible the opportunity to use parking spaces to pop to the shops.”

On-street parking controls were introduced in Wanstead at the start of 2018 following a long period of dispute and debate. It is not known if Redbridge has undertaken any assessment of the impact on shops, but anecdotally it would appear that in Wanstead the restrictions have made it somewhat more possible to park for short periods during the day.


Line-up for day 2 of the Wanstead Fringe

After a massive first day – the biggest and busiest in Fringe history – the events keep coming on Sunday. This is the line up.



Shedloader play at the Cuckfield


The cows are coming back to Wanstead in the Fringe day 1 line-up

The first day of the Fringe, which kicks off on Saturday, is going to be a belter. Weirdest of all will be a papier mache cow parading up and down the High Street – a tribute from artist Karen Humpage to the days when cows roamed freely around these parts.  Stop it and take a selfie.

Elsewhere, Elsa Arnold, a young woman whose mission is to encourage people to show kindness to each other, is leading the first of a series of events which will, she hope, give people practical ideas of how to make Wanstead a better place.

And the traditional opening big event for the Fringe – the Duke Street Party – is going to be everything we have come to expect: great music, food and company really getting things off to a magnificent start. 

All the first day’s events are as follows (including tonight’s eve-of-fringe Stargazing):

https://wansteadfringe.wansteadium.com/event/stargazing-evening/2019-09-06/ https://wansteadfringe.wansteadium.com/event/the-community-kindness-trail/ https://wansteadfringe.wansteadium.com/event/local-makers-market/ https://wansteadfringe.wansteadium.com/event/crime-writer-isabelle-grey-screen-writing-seminar/ https://wansteadfringe.wansteadium.com/event/the-cows-come-back-to-wanstead/ https://wansteadfringe.wansteadium.com/event/the-duke-street-party/ https://wansteadfringe.wansteadium.com/event/wanstead-art-trail/ https://wansteadfringe.wansteadium.com/event/book-launch/