A new sign has gone up at Boots on Wanstead High Street – but it is in such a clear violation of Redbridge’s rules for street signs in this area that it’s hard to believe it can last for long.
The longstanding rule for Wanstead High Street is that shop signs are not allowed to have “internal illumination” – ie they can be lit by spotlights shining on them, but they must not have lights inside them. Often these rules are somewhat ignored – particularly by small shops – but generally are observed by companies big enough to know there are rules about street signs.
The new sign, installed last week and pictured above, is quite tasteful, frankly, but it clearly has lights on inside it. So the question is – will Redbridge turn a blind eye to it? And if it does, will that mean a free-for-all for other shops?
(PS. To anyone who think Wansteadium has an obsession with street signs, you’re probably right. But we don’t care.)
Conservation area with those tacky flats and tacky windows above. I don’t think so Joe.
Gosh don’t you ever stop moaning about the most trivial things. Learn to be grateful for a change and count your blessings.
One response may be to avoid that shop and to use local independent businesses instead.
Are Wanstead Society able put some pressure on them to do it as Wanstead prefers such signage….
They pick on the barbers [Unfairly in my humble opinion] – what [if any] sort of fine will Boots get and in the great scheme of things – does it really matter – I would like to think the council have more important things to think about – Please Redbridge – We are in the 21st Century not the 19th or 20th..