Saturday is the National Trust’s first Blossom Watch day when it encourages people to post pictures of their trees, both to celebrate Spring and also to become more aware of our surroundings. So please do send any pictures of Wanstead blossom to us here via info@wansteadium.com.
We are so very lucky to live here, aren’t we?
We are indeed. We’ve been living in Wanstead for 15 years and the greenery, & quietness attracted us here. We don’t enjoy the park like we used to – irresponsible dog owners, littering, scooters (including e scooters) and constantly being harassed for money (and being sworn at when refused politely) makes for a not so pleasurable experience these days.
The blossom this year is magnificent . We feel its our reward for not being able to see it during lockdown last year . Thank you Mother Nature
Yes we feel lucky to live here but what Wanstead does not need is a licenced kiosk and amplified music on Christchurch Green! We need to support local businesses and the Cherry Tree cafe. Charity events and children’s events are fine but not a licence to sell alcohol or have loud music until 10.00 at night!
Tut tut Toni, badly off topic.
How is that of topic ?
A viable comment on how over commercialism is ruining the very nature of the park and the pleasant peace that most residents enjoy .