Not a new kebab shop, but a roll of honour for those who dug deep for the playground crowdfunding. There were lots of people who gave according to their means, and the organisers are very grateful to them, but at Wansteadium’s suggestion those who made a special contribution deserved a public pat on the back.
They are
- Keatons Estate Agents £1,000
- £750
- Petty Son & Prestwich £500
- Martin & Co Estate Agents £505
- Dabora Conway Estate Agents £500
- Little Bears Nursery £282
- Zeeba Nursery £500
- Wanstead Comedy Night £400
- T Space Architects £200
- Wanstead Village Directory £100
- Blake Hall Publishing £100
- Douglas Allen Estate Agents £200
- Treehouse Nursery £200
- Wanstead Society £100
- Wanstead Business Network £100
- The Larder £100
- Wanstead Village Directory £100
- Wanstead Pram Group £100
I hope Aldersbrook mums can take this as inspiration and can do the same thing…. well done to Wanstead
Nice one Jon! On behalf of everyone who uses the playground, thank you very much. See you Thursday. All I need to do is find where I put the tickets 🙂
There were some larger private donations; why no mention?
Looking at a few of the the thanks messages from the organisers, they do appear to be a bit over focussed on the businesses that have given.
Friday !!!!!
Robespierre, we are very aware and grateful to each and every one of our private donors (all of whom received an individual email from us thanking them). Our plan is to erect a supporter’s board at the entrance to the playground where we can list larger donations (much as we’d like to list all, there simply won’t be the space). However, because they are private individuals we did not feel that we should be listing their name so publicly without their permission (we also had a few anonymous donations). Wansteadium asked us for a list of businesses who donated, partly to thank them but also because it may help encourage other businesses to donate. Much as we would love for businesses to donate for purely altruistic motives, we recognise that there sometimes needs to be a business case for donating, and publicising business donor’s helps both them and us.