The Wanstead Fringe went out in a blaze of glory on Saturday with a great comedy night thanks to Jon Fentiman and headline act Dave Hadingham (pictured).
It came after storyteller Tony Cranston’s workshop, below, and the Wanstead Village Show and flower weekend. Paul Canal’s brave cherry pie effort came second in its class, behind Wanstead’s new top baker Kathryn McKenna. Kathryn, we have a quantity of local celebrity for you if you would like to claim it.
So that’s it for the fringe’s first year. Do get in touch if you want to be involved next year. Thank you to everyone who took part. Good show, Wanstead.
The Wanstead Fringe 2013 was brought by Tracey Abedowale-Jones, Lisa Affleck, Nick Affleck, Sanjay Batra, Gavin Bell, Bleech, Mark Braniff, Cheryl Braniff, Dan Clapton, Jane Clapton, Susan Clark, Gabrielle Collard, Richard Corbyn, Wanstead Cricket Club, Roger Estop, Jon Fentiman, Liza Finn, John Gilsenan, Wanstead Golf Club, Bethan Grimshaw, Jason Harris, Lorna Harris, Claire Hogg, James Hogg, Katriya Ibrahim, Debbie Jones, Matt Keen, Ben Kelly, Susan Knight, The Larder, Anya Lipska, Ali MacQueen, Michael Mullinger, Georgia Newman, Wanstead Oxfam, David Plane, Petty Son and Prestwich, Caroline Roberts, Mark Rutherford, Teresa Rutherford, Peter Sandy, Lisa Scott Keen, Lucy Serpell, Suzanne Taylor, Time For Tea, Marian Temple, Mick Terry, Mohi Uddin, John Wagstaff, Jennifer Walker, Robert Webb, Geoff Wilkinson, Lynne Wilkinson, Giles Wilson, Maura Wilson, Dan Woodley.
Well done Giles, for brining it all together.
A great thing to play a small part in. Well done and thanks to the organisers. I’m glad you liked my pie
It’s not quite over. There is still the postponed kids cycle and scooter challenge, which is happening on Christchurch Green at 10am on this Sunday, 21st Sept. Free to take part and there are prizes for the fastest in each age category.
Well done Wansteadium and more power to you elbow.