Wanstead gets a new newspaper

img_7927 img_8676Not many places get new newspapers nowadays – in fact the opposite is true with more than 300 newspapers closing across the UK in the past ten years.

But Wanstead has bucked the trend with the launch of a new free weekly newspaper – the Wanstead and Woodford Recorder. Issues are being handed out on Wanstead High Street and there will presumably be some door-to-door distribution.

It will come as an unwelcome development for the Wanstead and Woodford Guardian, but is good news for readers – nothing sharpens journalistic ambition like competition.

Wansteadium reader Clive Power has been incredibly quick off the blocks by comparing the rival editions and offers the following analysis.


  W&W Guardian W&W Recorder
Editions: Thurs 13 October 2016 Total size of stories (not including headlines & pix)
Wanstead & Woodford news 10.68m²         52% 11.99m²       52%
Other news: pan-Redbridge 1.36m²            7% 5.72m²        24%
Out of area news 8.45m²          41% 5.55m²        24%


Wanstead & Woodford sport 0.93m²             8% 3.73m²        23%
Local sport, incl WHUFC, LOFC 6.37m²           53% 11.24m²       70%
Out of area sport 4.67m²           39% 1.07m²         7%
        (100%)                   (100%)


Price 65p Free (80p where sold)
Pages 80 56

He adds this note:

I measured the size of the news (including planning applications) and sports stories. I did not include headlines or photos or old stories reprinted.  So I did not include the many Reception class photos in this week’s W&WG (although only 10 out of 61 of these were from W&W schools).

I did not include the letters as there hasn’t been time for W&WR letters yet (although it is likely to print the same letters as the Ilford Recorder). W&WG had 4 letters (all ‘out of area’) this week; W&WR had 6 (from the Ilford Recorder) plus social media points.


5 thoughts on “Wanstead gets a new newspaper”

  1. The W & W Guardian is increasingly including news of Epping, Waltham Abbey etc. which is of zero interest to W & W readers. Also, many instances of duplicated articles within the paper. Padded out with court reports, planning applications and adverts. I remember the ‘Woodford Times’ and ‘Express & Independent’ – both truly LOCAL papers. It will be interesting to see if Guardian and Recorder both survive, especially as the Recorder is free.

  2. can somebody please post me a copy if i send a stamped addressed envelope as i used to live in wanstead and would like to look at this paper many thanks

  3. Casual Trees – the paper handed out in George Lane was the Woodford Recorder and this will doubtless be subsumed into the new title.

    Alan – The Woodford Recorder (and the Ilford Recorder) publish(ed) an online edition a few days after the print version. It may well be that you will find future digital copies of the Woodford and Wanstead Recorder at the same place. http://www.ilfordrecorder.co.uk/home/e-edition

  4. Casual Trees – the paper handed out in George Lane was the Woodford Recorder and this will doubtless be subsumed into the new title.

    Alan – The Woodford Recorder (and the Ilford Recorder) publish(ed) an online edition a few days after the print version. It may well be that you will find future digital copies of the Wanstead and Woodford Recorder at the same place. http://www.ilfordrecorder.co.uk/home/e-edition

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