We have a long history of picking apart articles written in the news about Wanstead, and the latest example to attract people’s attention was this profile in MyLondon.

It’s rare nowadays for news providers to send reporters out of the office (or away from their dining room table) to actually visit the places they are reporting on, so this is a welcome article, even though it was written by their “SEO Reporter” (ie the person who writes things to attract the attention of Google).
So some key quotes, wilfully taken out of context:
If you buy here, you stay here.
I mean, look at Gail’s, it’s packed the entire time.
The best thing about the area is that is has two stations
In the evening, it’s a ghost town.
But, surprise surprise, people in Wanstead love Wanstead though are anxious about the cost of living, rents, property prices and inequality.
One thing we did learn – the newsagents now known as Krishanco has been there for more than 100 years, well before gentrification. Long may it continue.
H/T Gaynor, and Ray
I’ve lived here for 32 years. They’ve said “it’s becoming highly sought after” in every one of those
I too read the article – I enjoy her stuff; agreed with most things, but I too was a bit perplexed with the “it’s a ghost town” comment!
Didn’t read the article but Wansteadnis a ghost town at night- pity.
I’m surprised at the gentrification comment. Wanstead and Snaresbrook was always a quality area. If anything in some ways it’s declined regarding crime and litter
Was she here on a cold & rainy half-term evening? 
I’ve lived here for over forty years and always loved living here ,the quaint poshness of the past has disappeared,the pubs have improved . But it’s still got something special about it that needs to be protected .
Moved here in January 1982.
Wanstead was a wealthy area then as now. Unfortunately we have lost many of the useful shops, which means we have to drive somewhere for DIY and basic items.
In terms of population, yes there are more young people, which is good.
There seems to be much more of a community now than there was in 1982. Maybe what people are complaining about is that they feel there are fewer people like them, which is not all bad.