Some of the collateral damage from the strong winds over the past couple of days – with worse apparently to come on Tuesday and Wednesday – including at least two trees and the same door twice on Gail’s.
More pictures welcome – info@wansteadium.com

Some of the collateral damage from the strong winds over the past couple of days – with worse apparently to come on Tuesday and Wednesday – including at least two trees and the same door twice on Gail’s.
More pictures welcome – info@wansteadium.com
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What a great shame especially the lovely tree which is out in blossom always hate seeing trees lost.
Wanstead has beautiful trees I remember when I was at Sacred Heart Convent in the 1950s there was a large mulberry tree in a big house opposite the convent where we used to go and pick the leaves for the silk worms kept in the school! Happy days of Wanstead and especially the Horse chestnut trees which were in the London cemetery at the bottom of our garden in Wanstead Park Avenue where we loved the conkers and got them by hopping over the back fence! Happy days.