Hurrah! Playground target reached!

Bravo Wanstead. 

Organiser Nicola Jarratt writes:

Thanks Wansteadium and all your readers who donated! This is not the end of our fundraising, but just the beginning. This first tranche of fundraising means that we have now obtained charitable status and thus opens the door to match funding grants, hopefully enabling us to raise even more for the playground. The project is now moving into phase 2 and we’re looking into the best way of receiving further donations. If you would like to donate in the meantime, please email us at and we’d be delighted to hear from you!

3 thoughts on “Hurrah! Playground target reached!”

  1. They should do comic relief style campaigns every year. Link it with the Wanstead Fringe.

    They could have some tear jerking spots of little Timmy not able to get onto the swing because the chain is broken and explain that the chain can be repaired for only £32.70 plus expenses, VAT and other miscellaneous costs. This can then be followed by a local band performing some morbid rift or if thought through – The Chain by Fleetwood Mac.
    Then cheer it up with a bit of comedy, ask people to donate and exceed expectations by having a whole new set of swings and not just some chain from B&Q!

    Continue it on for 30 years and who knows what they can achieve? Probably not £1 Billion but maybe Wanstead Towers (a bit like Alton Towers but in erm Wanstead).

    All this aside, well done. Next questions are when will this all happen. How long will it all take.. Let us hope it is ready for the summer. Only last weekend we saw the park full to the brim once the sun stayed out for 20 minutes.

  2. This is great news! well done everyone involved. Although the fact remains that our Council and our local Councillors have got off Scott Free and should all be ashamed of themselves. Where is all my Council Tax going anyway? Waltham Forest and Newham have fantastic playgrounds – and lots of them!

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