The news that night Tubes are to make their belated start in August will come as bittersweet for many of those living next to the above-ground Central Line.
Trains running every 20 minutes throughout Friday and Saturday night will mean people living next to the overground Epping branch – which includes Hollybush Hill, New Wanstead, Sylvan Road, Eagle Lane, Osprey Close, Alexandra Road, Foxdene Close and other roads  – having to get used to the new overnight noise.
Those living above the Hainault branch of the line – houses near to the A12 – may also get have new noise patterns to get used to. Earlier this year many people living in this area reported hearing strange noises which Transport for London put down to new portions of track bedding in.
Tfl last year issued a statement about trying to minimise the noise from the night tube, which is pasted below. Trains are due to start on 19 August and details about the new service are here.
Bethan Grimshaw
hmmm on the one hand I would have benefitted from this when I missed the last tube home after a gig last week – train sound not too loud in our house, I find it quite comforting – we’ll see if I stil think the same way come August!
A lot quieter than the horse and cart most residents would have us use.
The more pressing issue is sorting the low flying Aircraft that go directly over my house from around 5:00am each morning.
Yay to the Tube 24 hour!
It’s really simples.
In c. 1990 TFL replaced the wooden sleepers with concrete ones, thereby increasing the sound pollution by around 30%. I remember noticing how much noisier the trains were. All they have to do is……….
But we don’t count we are mere customers who pay their wages.
The trains are much quieter than they used to be and those who live near to the line (Osprey Close in my case) will soon get used to it.
It all becomes background noise unlike the intrusive police helicopter circling over our streets, that seems to practice for hours during the dead of night OR the occasional boy racers revving their engines and racing each other through the streets of Wanstead on the nights the police helicopter is having a rest.
It’s not the train sound that is concerning me….it’s the platform noise. That’s what will disturb very many of us…I occasionally hear the first train, however the people on the platform and in the car park at Snaresbrook will, I know, be a bother.
I’ve lived 20ft from the Central line for over 20 years. I don’t hear the trains and I don’t have double glazing. Bring on the 24 hour service and no more cutting short a good night out in London! This is way overdue!