Wanstead IS to get a vape shop, in the premises formerly occupied by the estate agent Felicity Lord. The shop is currently being stocked and appears to be not many days away from opening.
Ironically it’s next door to the Filika restaurant whose green colour scheme sparked speculation last year that it was to become a vape shop. (Instead it has become a very well received establishment.)
I can hear the sound of a thousand spluttering lattes across Wanstead…
If nobody wants it it won’t make a profit and won’t last long.
If on the other hand……
PS Wansteadium, as you even yourself point out, you always wish new businesses well. I assume this was an oversight as you appear to have missed it here……
When it opens we will. Good point though.
Has it got planning permission and were local people consulted on it ?
Why have our new Labour Councillors kept Wanstead people in the dark about this establishment ?
Would it need special planning permission? Are there special regulations for vape shops?