Two months after the April Farmers’ Market raised eyebrows by taking place despite the then recently imposed lockdown, it returns on Sunday with a few changes.
For a start there is a new name (see pic) which will get mixed reactions (who doesn’t love the idea of farmers selling their produce?). But there will also be fewer stalls, road closures and social distancing guidelines in place, thanks to coordination by councillors, Redbridge officers and market organisers.
The government gave the green light for open air markets to take place, and to help this happen safely, there will be greater gaps between the stalls, and the tops of Wellington Road and Nightingale Lane/Grosvenor Road will be closed to give stalls more space.
The council is inviting feedback here – and it will be interesting to see if the changes support the idea floated on these pages of an evening shutdown of the High Street to allow al fresco dining and help restaurants get back on their feet.
https://twitter.com/RedbridgeLive/status/1269199945808130048#wansteadvillage – make sure you share your views on how the road closures work at the market this Sunday. We’re keen to explore the potential for more measures like this to boost cycling and walking in our ward. @JohnCryerMP @Donno28 @dhmt93 @WVLabour @jhoward87 https://t.co/9JXjkzvCSd
— Jo Blackman (@Jcblackman) June 6, 2020
If you need social distancing spaces between stalls for what I would prefer to still being referred as “ The farmer market “ beside ; so apt & descriptive where the market stands “ Wanstead village conservation area “ why not make use of the park on the Green ?. it’s a public safe place and a better option than shutting down streets …which are a legal thorough fare way which should be made accessible at all time by any ones of us as well as emergency vehicles.
As for closing down the high street to allow “al fresco dining “ although the sentiment is well placed …I cannot see how you would organise it taking into regard our variable weather , dusk and health & safety issues ! Also the question of security for ladies handbags etc ..and scrapping lots of parking spaces for the dinners !