Wanstead’s wonderful guerrilla gardener Marian Temple writes:
“Yes, we’re starting again.  Earlier in the year we had several work parties having adopted from the council some sad patches of bald soil in the planting around Wanstead station. We planted and chucked seeds around and generally had a good time but the long spell of dry weather was not in our favour. This time of year, rain is a given so time to have another go. Come if you can, to Wanstead Station, this Sunday 19 October, at 10.30am. Litter clearance, weeding, planting and seed chucking.  Everyone welcome, adults, kids, no experience necessary. Bring tools, gloves, anything you think might be useful. I’ll bring a load of tough plants.  Hope to see you there. Marian Temple.”
Marian, would you like us to bring any plants? I have a couple of hollyhocks.