Delightful to see John Rogers, star of the Wanstead Fringe and many YouTube walking videos, getting the credit he is due in the Radio Times.

- Equally delightful to say that John will be appearing again in this year’s Wanstead Fringe, which is taking place from 9 to 30th September. Sign up to the Wansteadium newsletter to keep up with the latest information.
I have been watching these for sometime now and find them absolutely fascinating – I used to work in the City and thought I knew quite a bit but have learned so much more from his ‘You tube films’ – wish they could be put on either BBC or ITV or even Sky – So that they get a wider audience – Please carry on doing these for a long time more—-If anybody out there has not yet seen them I urge you to look at them on You Tube – I find it easy just tp go to Google and put in Roger Johns walks in London – EATCH AND ENOY.