Leyton and Wanstead candidates 2024

There are eight candidates standing in Leyton and Wanstead at the General Election on 4 July. John Cryer, MP since 2010, is not seeking re-election. In 2019 he had a majority of 20,808.

The candidates are (in alphabetical order as they will appear on the ballot paper):

Workers Party of BritainMahtab Aziz
LabourCalvin Bailey
Rejoin EUSimon Bezer
Liberal DemocratTara Copeland
ConservativeGloria Croxall
IndependentShanell Johnson
GreenCharlotte Lafferty
Reform UKDavid Sandground

The candidates have been invited to a hustings at the Churchill Room at Wanstead Library on 24 June, organised by East London Humanists. More details of that event are here:

8 thoughts on “Leyton and Wanstead candidates 2024”

  1. I see the text about the hustings from East London Humanists mentions only that ‘main oarty’candidates are invited. I hope instead that all candidates are asked to speak.

  2. What a motley crew that lot are. I did not agree with a lot of John Cryer’s politics but should say he served the area well and always responded to letters. A better MP than Harry Cohen was. ‘Rejoin the EU should just be named ‘Remoaner Party’ All quite frightening really. Some lost deposits for the treasury at least.

    1. Not only have you Brexiterrs removed, against our will, the rights of every Remainer to live and work in the EU, but you have also destroyed the UK economy. Don’t you think Remainers have the right to moan? Brexit has now been tried and tested and it has proven to be a catastrophic failure, so it seems perfectly reasonable to open a dialogue about rejoining.

      1. What ‘tried and tested’ for how long? We were quite capable on our own before we joined for hundreds of years. It has not been a disaster , if you go into the shops around the borough there are still goods from all over Europe, still Mercedes, Renault and VWs being sold. We have trading deals with other continents, Kia and MG cars are doing a roaring trade. People like yourself constantly talking the UK down and wanting Brexit to fail and verbally sabotaging any good news . We have left the EU , why not move on and get used to it?

        1. I only see one person moaning here, however I don’t think we have seen the full impact of brexsh*t yet on goods or freedom of movement. It’s perfectly fine to want to re-join the EU if the rationale is sound. Why don’t you accept the fact and move on?

  3. I do hope that Sir Keir will provide Calvin Bailey with a London A-Z to enable him to find either Wanstead or Leytons.
    Wanstead and Leyton is not a bauble to be gifted to a favoured one by a remote despot.

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