More advert boards coming?

Simulation of one advertising board from the application, via Redbridge Borough Council

Planning applications for two additional digital ad screens on Wanstead High Street are being considered by Redbridge Council following the installation of two last year.

Redbridge fought and lost a battle against allowing the screens to be sited on the high street, saying they would detract from the conservation area status. But it was over-ruled by the Planning Inspectorate.

The new applications are for signs outside Gail’s (though one is already outside Tesco, barely a wicket’s distance away) and outside M&S.

4 thoughts on “More advert boards coming?”

  1. I have objected on the Redbridge Council planning website – if anyone else would like to object, this is the link, (The application numbers are 2792/24 and 2794/24 and I think the deadline is 19th January )

    The site falls within a designated Conservation Area: identified as the Wanstead Village Conservation Area. The panel would be far too large, visually unattractive, obstructive, create an obstacle for pedestrians, particularly disabled and visually impaired people; cause street clutter, and be detrimental to the visual quality and amenity of the area. One of the key policy directions in the Mayor’s London Plan is to improve the quality of Londoner’s lives and the environment through better-designed buildings and public spaces. The plan also contains key design principles; the London Boroughs should ensure that developments enhance the public realm, respect local context, character and communities, are attractive to look at. This proposal contravenes all of these criteria.

    The site is subject to UDP Policy CC12 New Development and Uses in District Centres and Policies CC24 –CC30. “The Council will pay special attention to the effect on the character and appearance of the area, taking particular note of Relationship to the site and surrounding area, the design, scale and materials. The Preferred Options Report for the Borough Wide Primary Policies [of the Local Development Framework (LDF)], states, at Policy BDG 1 ‘All Development’, that proposals for all forms of development should: Be compatible with and contribute to the distinctive character and amenity of the area in which it is located. Be of a building style, massing, scale, density and design appropriate to the locality, Contribute to local architecture and design quality. Also: Policy E5 – Conservation of the Built Heritage The Council will seek to preserve or enhance the special character or appearance of Conservation Areas.

  2. Is there any way we can reject the idea as residents of Wanstead? Or are these planning proposals not put up for us to comment on? I’d like to see their justification for them. I’ve never ever looked at the ones we have so can’t see how they work as advertising

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