New recycling shock

Redbridge residents can now recycle additional items in their household collection, the council has informed them. It is now possible for people to include:

  •  Plastic Pots, Tubs and Trays (e.g. yoghurt pots, margarine tubs, meat /ready meal trays and fruit/veg punnets – but no black plastic as it cannot be recycled).
  • Empty aerosol cans
  • Clean aluminium foil and foil trays

This is welcome news – it’s all good. But it comes as a bit of a shocker to Wansteadium which thought some of these items could be recycled already. Still, now we know. And in case there is any doubt, we’re including the complete list below. The council is also offering these updated tips:

Here are some tips and important things to remember when recycling:

  • Always rinse out any food waste. Food contaminates – making your recyclables, unrecyclable
  • Stacking or carefully packing plastic pots, tubs and trays will allow you to fit more into your recycling boxes
  • Rinse and scrunch up any foil for recycling
  • Black plastic can’t be recycled so please don’t put it in your recycling box.

2 thoughts on “New recycling shock”

  1. yes, very good but I haven’t got anything through my door about it. Comms on recycling have been very sparse. So sad that so many people who assumed as Wansteadium did about what was covered in the Readbride recycling were making their whole boxes unrecyclable through putting in items you assumed were covered. Rebridge Council comms – hmmmm. For years now they have come around 28th place of around 30 London borough on recycling and for about the same on the health and mobility of streets.

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