Thank you to our sponsors (that’s you)

Another thank you to the readers of Wansteadium who help to keep this site on the road by making their Amazon purchases through the box on this page. Every purchase you make earns us a few pennies – nothing that’s going to make us rich, but enough to help pay our web hosting and software costs (and also enough to encourage thoughts about Wansteadium’s long term sustainability).

There’s another similar way you can now help, especially if you’re intending to buy foreign currency to pay overseas bills. You can get a quote – which seems pretty competitive to us – through the Currency UK box on the right. If you like the deal, we will get a very modest sum for introducing you. (If you’re after holiday cash you can pick up the actual euros/dollars/roubles at an office in Covent Garden).

Our thanks again all round.

End of an era


The elegant little garage on Church Path, I&K Brown, shut its doors for the final time on Friday evening, after 40 years serving Wanstead motorists. Wansteadium reader Faisal Nisar was probably their last customer – he was having his MoT done – and recorded the moment in these photographs.

Messrs Brown and Brown are retiring, and Wansteadium wishes them very well. The plan is for the site to be redeveloped into three new houses – one four-bedroom and two three-bedrooms. The designs had caused some consternation – some living nearby objected to the modern design. Planning permission was however granted at the end of June this year.






Ta-dah! The Wanstead Fringe is coming back!



This is just a bit of advance notice, but the dates are confirmed as Sat 5 to Sat 12 September – as in previous years it’s the week leading up to the Wanstead Festival, which will be held on Sunday the thirteenth.

The Fringe website is now live – you can see it here – and though the programme isn’t yet released, there will be some of the old favourites… open air Kinema, comedy, music, and something for the brain too.  There’s also some advice if you want to organise an event yourself – there’s still time to do it.

You can sign up for email updates from the Fringe, or just keep an eye on Wansteadium where we will be featuring all the news about it.



Wanstead weekend photo

  Geoff Wilkinson writes on Wanstead Daily Photo: “This picture will take a little explaining. There are two lovely old Victorian water pumping stations fed by the river Roding near Wanstead, unfortunately they are not open to the public. However I managed to get this picture with a telephoto lens, you can just see some of the machinery inside. Unfortunately it doesn’t look to me like the original working parts which in their own way were beautiful but you can’t have everything. What I really like in addition to the machinery is the colour of the sky reflected in the window and the peeling glass window frame, it’s a little off beat but I do like it.”