Pictures of health

Wansteadium reader Andrew Mutter’s isolation project is quite marvellous.

He writes: “These drawings were inspired by my friend Colin who has made about 450 PPE masks on his 3-D printer for key worker staff. Most of them were delivered to Harlow hospital and some of them were given to local care homes, it was a one-man operation.

“Some of the drawings are of NHS workers wearing his masks, others are of relatives/friends of colleagues working in hospitals across the country. All the subjects in the drawings have a connection to me somehow.”

Andrew’s also put a video of his pictures on YouTube, and you can follow him on Instagram.

Memories of Rivenhall?

Wansteadium reader Clive Thornley writes: “I’m wondering if anyone can help with my quest to find information on the Hermitage Walk Estate (Rivenhall Gardens) along Snaresbrook Road. I lived there through the 60s, 70s and the early 80s and have tried for some time to find photos of it during construction and when it first opened. What was on the site before it? Does anyone have memorabilia to share?”

If you can help, you can send anything you have to

Poetry comes to the Wanstead Social Distance Club

Wanstead writer and poet Victoria Richards will be the guest at the Wanstead Social Distance Club on Friday lunchtime at 1pm, speaking about her work and performing some of her poems. Please note, some of the poems are not suitable for children.

The Wanstead Social Distance Club is open to all Wansteadium readers (and is our attempt to help keep community life alive in these weird times). All you need to do is click this Zoom link at some time before 1pm on Friday 24 April and join us for the event, which will last 30 minutes.

About Victoria

Victoria Richards is a journalist and writer. In 2017/18 she was shortlisted in the Bath Novel Award and the Lucy Cavendish College Fiction Prize, was highly commended for poetry in the Bridport Prize and came third in The London Magazine Short Story Competition. A collection of her poetry was published in May 2019 alongside two other poets in Primers: Volume Four, with Nine Arches Press, and in 2020 she came second in the Magma Poetry Competition. Find her at or

The Wanstead Bear Hunt

Bravo to the families staging the Wanstead Bear Hunt.

The idea is beautiful. In houses across Wanstead, bears are being displayed in front windows, visible from the street, alongside a letter of the alphabet.

Families out walking are invited to spot the bears, note down the letters, and then when they’ve collected all 45, decode a message.

The houses are around Leicester Road and Hereford Road but go as far as Warren Road, Gordon Road and Rodney Road. You can download the PDF for your answers right here.