26 thoughts on “Sainsbury’s ‘in discussion’ for Barclays site”

  1. Don’t forget Londis 🙂

    Not sure that the arrival of Sainsbury would be all bad; at least it adds choice to the High Street.

  2. NONONONONONO!!!! This is NOT what our High Street needs. Wanstead’s charm has been gradually eroded over recent years with the encroachment of chain coffee shops, and the new execrable Tesco. A convenience store at the Snaresbrook end of the High Street would probably be welcomed by commuters, but we don’t need any more food shops in the main shopping area. How do we protest?

  3. More supermarket choice, less banking choice – swings and roundabouts. Though perhaps Mr Sainsbury can negociate with Mr Barclay to reinstate the former cash machine service.

  4. No point in protesting. Just don’t shop there. The only basis for protest is if there are costs to the community that are not reflected in what Sainsburys sells. I don’t think there are. I’d rather something more interesting opened, but if people want to shop there who am I to object?

  5. Far prefer Sainsburys to either Co-Op or Tesco, though would prefer an independent something or other. I can’t believe there is sufficient business for all the grocers on the High St. Anything is better than empty premises however

  6. Oh no, this is not a good thing for the high street. We already have tesco and co op! If we could replace tesco with waitrose I would be a happy bunny but hey-ho

  7. The problem I have with this is that all these supermarkets are at the same end of the High Street, whilst that new building at the end of Station Parade remains empty. I’m not sure if I shall use Sainsbury’s. I already walk past Tesco to shop at the Co-op because don’t like Tesco’s ethics.

  8. Leaving aside *which* particular brand of supermarket opens here, there is a worry about the proliferation of them on any High St. Imagine this scenario:
    1. Each supermarket brand wants their presence on the High St, so each open one of these.
    2. Rents go up – the supermarkets can pay these because they offset them/pay lower wages, but small independent traders can’t, so shut down or move.
    3. The supermarkets decide that, actually, they’d rather have their out-of-town mega store, so they close too.
    Unlikely? Maybe. But they have been shown to throttle competition in the past (not just Tesco):

  9. It’s the independent traders who are going to suffer. Most people were delighted last month when the news broke that there’s a fishmonger coming to Wanstead… but will that really survive with x3 supermarkets within 50 yards? Very sad…

  10. The problem with rents rising due to supermarkets is nothing to do with the supermarkets but with chain stores who can afford to push the rent up. The exact same argument can be used for Starbucks, Pizza Express etc etc and has happened to many a high street.

    Fact is, not enough people use the high street for high value shopping and is left for people buying ‘the odd bit’ which they forgot from Ocado/Amazon etc etc and think that is enough to sustain an independant shop. We get the high street we deserve.

  11. Arguments for both sides but if we all want more local businesses on the High Street we need to support them… like tke new fishmongers or Long Horn restuarant etc etc

  12. ANOTHER SUPERMARKET!! For goodness sake Redbridge Council-aren’t other businesses interested in paying the high business rates? We need a variety of shops on a high street not an endless line of supermarkets, coffee shops and nail bars (Although I prefer Sainbury’s to Tesco!). Where are all the diverse independent shops – Southwold and Sheringham it seems. A move to Suffolk or Norfolk is the answer obviously.

  13. you all got you remember

    “if you don’t use it you’ll lose it”

    so when you in any supermarket ask yourself “Can I but this at a local independent shop”

  14. I’m not in favour of a convenience store either but, sadly, that’s probably what will arrive. Why? They can make the most profit from the site. Unless we boycott Sainsbury & Tesco. Not likely for most people I guess? We won’t see more specialist shops unless and until people are prepared to pay a premium for the produce/service. For example, we eat a lot of fish at home. So long as the new fishmonger is good we’ll use him (much closer than Steve Hatt). It will be more expensive than the rubbish in the supermarkets. That’s fine for me because I’m ridiculously over-paid and I don’t have to shop on a budget. Are there enough people like me? We’ll see. Basically we’ll get the High Street that we’re prepared to pay for.

  15. @ValT

    Suffolk isn’t immune; look at the lost Tesco battle in Aldeburgh for example.

    Not sure LBR will/could, do much for what is probably reasonable change of use in this case.

    Although I was alarmed to see the deck at the Turkish restaurant being embellished earlier on……..

  16. @Kathleen Moss “How do we protest?” <—- You just did. Also please see Mr Wansteads post about M&S rather than a Sainsburys.. Not sure why it would be any different. A convenience store is a convenience store and Sainsburys know what they are doing when it comes to one. More nectar points for me!

    OR… It could become another Widows Nail Bar/Hairdressers OR which most people seem to be happier with – just an empty unit with white washed windows..

    With an abundance of Estate Agents in the area now and so much negative energy with the current fickle residents, why don't you move one now.. Sell up and find the dream elsewhere.

    I NEED parcel collection points. I NEED convenience stores. I NEED fast food outlets. I NEED betting shops. So it is all win win for me. You never know, maybe one day I will NEED my nails doing and I can take a week off work researching the abundance of the ones we have before I make a life changing decision.

    We do not NEED an Artisan Bakery. We do not NEED a Cheesemongers. We do not NEED a Fishmongers.

    Lets do the math.. The Fishmongers.. If we said one member on here represented 3 people in Wanstead. I reckon 20 people maximum would NEED a fishmongers and actually use it. So 20 = 60 people. Those 60 people spend an average of £10 a week = £600 a week in the Fishmongers which accounts to £31200.
    Now deduct the rent, staff costs, product costs, advertising etc… Oh… It is going to be a lot more than £31200 a year…

    YOU might NEED it but there will be a very upset Fishmonger at the end of it..

    We no longer create happy posts on this forum now, it is "What topic can we get people to complain about today". People need to think before they post.

  17. @Robespierre I saw them sanding it. I do not think it was removal, more maintenance..

    I like it (decking). I think it looks a lot nicer than broken and cracked concrete. The place has more business than it’s predecessor.

    I would never eat there though, not high class enough for me.

    Speaking of which, I am making a proposal. I am going to open a Butler/House Staff recruitment service in one of the open units.
    You will be able to come in, look at portfolios of said slaves before interviewing them and hiring them. I estimate I can offload 2000 slaves per year locally and with my commission I should be able to retire. Not a smelly fishy finger in sight!

    * Please note, I am not directing my positive energy at the Fishmongers, I am simply using it as an example to open peoples eyes. For those of you who do not take up my advice and upgrade to a bigger mansion elsewhere and are still on here in the next 9 months I look forward to telling you ‘I told you so’.

    Have a nice weekend fickle folk! Weather should be just right for your walk to M&S or Waitrose in South Woodford rather than supporting the Businesses local to you.

  18. Martin, the trouble with a few on this website and probably a few in Wanstead is that their tiny bubble of what they want is thought to extend to everybody else, and if it doesn’t, then they’re not the sort of people who should be in Wanstead anyway! Their idea of choice is having 3 types of humous available.

    As I posted above, there are plenty that spend £10 in the high st each week and then think that’s enough to support an independent. I will use the fishmongers, I hope others do too, but it will take a lot of people to go there more than once a month for it to survive.

  19. Ok, thanks everyone. Am closing this thread now. Please always remember our comments watchwords: polite, constructive, friendly.

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