…lots and lots of people, as is only right for a community event like this. Â But since we’re here, let’s just run through the names.
Liz Adshead, David Adshead, Nick Affleck, Lisa Affleck, Rob Affleck, Beatrice Affleck, Maya Anaokar, Andrew and Wanstead Oxfam, Nick Bertram, Hannah Boltwood, Annie Boud, Jenny Burbage, Alex Chaplin and the East London Chorus, Jane Clapton, Joe Clapton, John Cryer MP, Bente Dahl, Vin Denson, Robert Dineen, Chris Drew, Alf Engers, Rob Fearn, Clive Fenner, John Fentiman, Ronnie Finch and the staff of the Duke, Mark Foster, John Garlick, John Gilsenan, David Hartt, Suzi Harnett, Janice Hunte, Kat Ibrahim, Debbie Jones, Ellie Jones, Ted Kessler, Isaac King, Danni Lapham (of CycleAlert), Michelle Linaker, Alistair MacQueen, Wanstead Majestic, Velvet Orr, Ray Pascoe, Shayne Perry, Layla Pierce, Martin Pluck and Wanstead Cricket Club, Zuzi Pols, Michael Poole (BBC), Caroline Roberts, Geraldine Roberts, John Rogers, Scott Savill, Patricia Smith, Kim Smith and the crew of the Rotisserie Co, Alice Stanley, Mark Stephens, Suzanne Taylor, Marion Temple, John Wagstaff, Ade Ward, Melissa Watson, Carole Wiles, Geoff Wilkinson, Lynn Wilkinson, Danielle Wilkinson, Giles Wilson, Maura Wilson, Madeleine Wilson and William Pole-Tylney-Long-Wellesley.
Thanks too to all those supporters who donated to help fund the Fringe, and to our sponsors – T-Space, The Manor House, The Duke, Exaprint, Vision Redbridge Culture and Leisure, Mario’s Shake Shack, and especially Petty Son and Prestwich whose continued support made the whole thing possible again.
*The whole thing was co-ordinated by the Wanstead Fringe Association, a not-for-profit group of local volunteers which exists to “co-ordinate and support artistic and cultural activities in Wanstead”. Anyone who is interested in getting involved is invited to email info@wansteadfringe.org.Â
ðŸ‘ÂðŸ‘ÂðŸ‘ÂðŸ‘Â👠Amazing achievement by the Wilsons AGAIN
Excellent. The best Fringe and Festival so far. Many thanks for everyone’s hard work
A long and well deserved list of thank yous. We participated in the jumble trail, a throughly enjoyable experience for all, kids sold some of their toys. Luckily they didn’t come back with too many new ones!! A night time photography walk with Geoff and the Kinema (Mahna Mahna) and the wanstead festival, managing to come back with two plastic Katana’s (as my 8yr pointed out, ninja swords to the rest of us) and a coconut!!! Thank you all.
Ps – If you need a steward for next years events, I know someone who would like to volunteer and looks good in high vis.
Well done all concerned.
Thank you! We are very lucky to have you!!
Loved being part of the Wanstead Fringe.The Film Night at the Cricket Club was a cracking idea and well attended. It was a pleasure to chat to so many lovely children [and parents]. Also enjoyed the Saturday Comedy Night at the Golf Club. Next year I’ll try to get to more events.I’ve lived here for 26 years and it’s great that lots of other people now think Wanstead is rather special too.
Thank you to all for a brilliant Fringe. You made us proud in Wanstead. Loved it !! Xx
Thank you everyone. It makes living in Wanstead so much fun. We particularly liked the knitting on the High Street!