Not the Wanstead Guardian, but the actual Guardian. Wanstead takes centre stage in its “Let’s move to…” feature. Author Tom Dyckhoff makes much of how Wanstead could have been a very different place if the original Wanstead House had not been demolished, but nevertheless concludes that Wanstead is doing very nicely thank you. He says:
[H]istory may turn again for Wanstead. Spots west of the river Lea now fetch prices not dissimilar to those of Knightsbridge, St James’s Park or Richmond, eyes are turning to this, the real East End.
Our Lady of Lourdes and Nightingale primaries get nods for being rated outstanding. Wanstead High ‘”requires improvement” but is “taking effective action”‘.
He adds: “Hang out at… No end of options: Time for Tea for cakes after a walk in the park, The Larder for a light lunch and the super Provender for posh.”
And he gives this summary of property matters which George C Parker, our property blogger, may comment on in the coming days:
The “village” has pleasant Victorian terraces (£500,000-£750,000) and even the odd Georgian off the high street, but it’s most attractive around Wanstead Park, with broad avenues of Victorians and later (detacheds £750,000-£1.5m, semis £500,000-£1m). The Aldersbrook estate is marginally cheaper. North of the A12 has fine late-Victorian and Edwardian terraces and semis around Spratt Hall Road. More leafy suburbans on and around the Counties estate and Nutter Lane. The Warren estate has fine 1920s/1930s semis. Rentals: three-bed house, £1,500-£2,000pcm; one-bed flat, £900-£1,250pcm.
Property features obviously hunt in packs – the Evening Standard gave Wanstead a good write-up in January which we deconstructed here.
Hat tip of course to Shona Kundu who was kind enough to mention the Guardian’s call for contributions.
Love the comments below the line from the Aldersbrook Liberation Army
How could they overlook our healthy stock of genuine mock Tudor homes.
Wanstead Church School only ‘good’ …
@Paul – yes, I too noticed the Aldersbrook contingent – they doth protest too much, methinks? And none of them mentioned the pleasures of always getting stuck in the traffic on Blake Hall Road/Aldersbrook Road, just to escape from Aldersbrook!
@Robespierre – er, yes. The rating for Wanstead Church School was ‘Good’. That’s what happened. Ofsted came, assessed and rated. Accept it.