Wanstead Playground: The first year

Wanstead playground design concept_Page_06Huge props to the Wanstead stalwarts behind the fundraising for the playground on Christ Church Green. Today, Wednesday, marks a full year since an initial letter from Louise Cutler published here on Wansteadium kickstarted the fundraising effort which at the latest tally has raised more than £57,000

The determined band of parents who have been responsible for this are now seeking a further £23,000, at which point another £10k grant will be awarded. Their overall target is £100,000, and they’re waiting for news on a large grant application which would take them there.

The concept plan pictured includes a space where the “Viper” (playground supplier-talk for the rope swing) could be sited. It’s the most recent piece to have been added and has value for older children, the association believes.

Nicola Jarratt, a mover and a shaker, told Wansteadium that regardless of how much is eventually raised, the new playground will be installed for next Spring.

Fingers crossed for the final bit of fundraising, a solid round of applause for what’s been achieved so far, and a Nadiya Hussain-style reminder to self that anything is possible.


8 thoughts on “Wanstead Playground: The first year”

  1. Wow- well done so far. Can you please post a link for us to donate- then we might hit that £23k target even faster.

  2. Agree, heartfelt congratulations to the organisers and contributors.

    As a family we contributed to round 1 but I’m sure we’d be tempted to go again if it comes down to the wire. It’s all swings and roundabouts I guess.

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