Planning applications have been made to install an illuminated advert box outside the Lighthouse fish shop. The plan would include a defibrillator and new phone, though not in a phone box.

The application, under reference 3950/22 recognises the Wanstead Village Conservation Area status, and includes this statement:
The proposed Communication Hub and advertising display is undeniably a modern intervention, but its impact upon the character and appearance of this part of the conservation area would be less than substantial. This form of development would not be seen as a wholly inappropriate addition to the principally commercial setting of Wanstead’s High Street where there are other examples of modern alterations and interventions. In such an evidently commercial environment the public is used to and expects to see a range of commercial images, which serve to enhance the shopping experience and influence the character of the area.
Comments are open on the application until 26 January.
A defibrillator is an excellent idea for the high street – these things save lives. Although the signage is not ideal, if that’s what’s needed to fund it then so be it.
There’s already a defibrillator on the outside wall of the Corner House, only a few paces from where this one would be. Adding one to this proposed advertising board just sounds like a way of trying to make people think the advertising board would be a good idea.
One point I omitted…. the rules on shop signage forbid internally illuminated signs (even though this is sometimes ignored). This would, then, be the only illuminated sign on that part of the High Street.
A resounding yes to the defibrillator, but can’t say I think much of the illuminated boards.
I don’t disagree with having more defibrillators, but think that if an additional one is needed on the High Street it should be situated further away from the existing one, perhaps more towards one of the stations or on Christchurch Green or near the library etc.
There are said to be more negative effects of constant advertising than we might imagine. Although some question advertising’s harm, I do think it’s a shame to see corporate images everywhere instead of the local vista.
On top of the visual and physical clutter, I’m concerned with allowing a private company to surveil the local community in this way. The devices collect phone signals as well as CCTV, with little transparency on how this data is stored and used.
The addition of the defibrillator is clearly an attempt to pursued the council that this monstrosity is contributing to the local community. Obviously that’s nonsense as there’s at least one publicly accessible defibrillator within 100m of the site.
Never, Never, Never
As stated there is one close by so why not site nearer Snaresbrook end of the high street or as also said near the Library.
Not clear as to why the illuminated sign would be allowed in an area where illuminated shop signs are not… unless the council are getting revenue from this. !!!
No thank you. Another defibrillator strategically placed yes but not the other stuff. Just an eyesore on the High Street. I expect one would appear at the Snaresbrook end in no time.
I didn’t know there was a defribrillator on the Corner House. Is there a list of them in and around Wanstead?
Adds to more ‘clutter ‘ on the High St and further reduces accessibility of the pavements esp for those with mobility issues, buggies, etc . Its an advertising hoarding stuck in the middle of the pavement. Not great
Residents need to oppose this monstrosity and not let them do this. It will be a complete eyesore and is a disgusting attempt at corporations to constantly bombard people with mindless advertising 247. If this is allowed then say goodbye to conservation and hello Las Vegas. This needs to very quickly be shut down before the high street becomes the next Westfield Stratford. Pathetic attempt to using a defibrillator as a disguise and trojan horse to the real corporate objective.