Snaresbrook court labelled ‘a wreck’

The view across Eagle Pond

Snaresbrook Crown Court has become ‘a wreck’ according to The Economist newspaper in an article which discusses English courts not coping with everyday demands.

Boarded up lodge at the pedestrian entrance

The building, designed in part by George Gilbert Scott, has been used as a court for nearly 50 years though was originally built in 1841 as an orphanage.

The article says: “At Snaresbrook, even the grand Victorian building is a wreck. The outside is covered in scaffolding; the air conditioning frequently fails, leaving everyone sweltering.” (Link here. £)

The scaffolding at the building is part of a £4m renovation programme which was announced in 2018 and which includes new a new roof.

In better times. By Nigel Cox, CC BY-SA 2.0

Authors head to Wanstead

The first of the book events for this year’s Wanstead Fringe have been unveiled, with tickets now on sale.

Rory Cellan-Jones, the BBC’s technology correspondent and very familiar figure for decades, will be speaking about the revolutions society has gone through with the rise of social media and mobile phones. His new book Always On has been very well received – Stephen Fry called it ‘delightfully insightful and intensely readable‘.

Ian Dunt is one of the most talented political commentators of his generation, and is perhaps best known for his appearances on the Remainiacs podcast. His book How To Be A Liberal is a rallying cry to those who still believe in freedom and reason in the face of rising nationalism around the world.

More events are being unveiled over the next couple of weeks. Details will be published here on Wansteadium, on the Fringe site itself and via the Fringe’s social channels.

Wanstead film-maker turns lockdown productive

Jay Sutherland and Lucy Quinlan

Wanstead screenwriter and director Daniel Johnson has released a lockdown project – a short comedy about someone trying to make the most of the lockdown.

The film covers the story of a struggling novelist who decides to use the lockdown to write a novel. Things don’t go to plan and it’s his girlfriend who finds herself being the more creatively expressive.

“I wanted to make a fun short film which captures the frustrations of lockdowns but does it in an amusing way,” said Daniel.

The film was shot on a very low budget, without a crew. “This is my favourite way to make a film – to have an idea and run with it, not worrying about budgets and equipment but instead just creating in a freewheelin’ and fun way.”

The film features actors Jay Sutherland and Lucy Quinlan and has a cameo from Nicole Kelleher.

Wanstead Fringe Jumble Trail bookings now open

The Wanstead Fringe is returning (in case you hadn’t heard), and as in previous years the Jumble Trail is going to be one of the biggest events. As with the 2019 Trail, there’s going to be an emphasis on re-using, recycling and repairing.

As well as the chance to recycle your no-longer-wanted household belongings, there will be an expert team of seamstresses offering a drop-off service to do small clothing repairs. And a plant clinic hosted by Wanstead Community Gardeners will answer any questions about indoor or outdoor plants.

To take part, book your place via the Wanstead Fringe website. Proceeds will be shared between local primary school PTAs.

Wanstead backers step up

The Wanstead Fringe is returning on Friday 3 September until Sunday 19 September, despite all the difficulties and problems of the past 18 months.

And a shout-out needs to go to the Wanstead firms who have once again put their hands in their pockets to fund the Fringe, namely founding sponsor Petty Son and Prestwich, Edwards Duthie & Shamash, and THP Chartered Accountants. These three firms have, for several years, ensured that the Fringe can go ahead – and also that it happens without a penny of public money.

And Fringe organisers are delighted to announce that for the first time the event is also being sponsored by the Wanstead Society, the non-political organisation which aims to “protect, preserve and improve” Wanstead.

All four are hereby given a Covid-safe fist bump from Wansteadium. 👊

Fringe ‘a reason to move to Wanstead’

The Wanstead Fringe was highlighted by the Times on Friday as a reason people should move to Wanstead, something which has given Wansteadium a spring in its step this weekend.

There are several other compliments for Wanstead too… “pleasant shopping street”, “good range of independent shops”, “as leafy as you’ll get without moving to the real country”, and perhaps the best bit of all: “Locals are a community-spirited bunch in Wanstead.” Our friends in the Wanstead Community Gardeners get a very nice nod, as do Wanstead’s schools. The full version is online here.

In fact the only catch mentioned is that Wanstead is “encircled by busy A-roads including the North Circular”. Definitely more to come on this subject from October when the Ultra-Low Emissions Zone is extended to all areas inside the North Circular, meaning old and more-polluting cars will be banished from Wanstead. Bad for owners of older cars – good for people who like their air to be clean.

The Wanstead Fringe is going ahead this year from 3-19 September. Early details of some events will be published here in the next few days.