R.I.P. Wanstead Comedy Night


The Wanstead Comedy Night is no more, after organiser Jon Fentiman and venue Bar Room Bar on Wanstead High Street could not reach agreement over security levels. According to Jon, the bar was insisting he fund two bouncers for the door for the monthly event which was attracting healthy crowds and a high standard of performer.

Jon is hoping to keep faithful attenders happy by continuing events at an Indian restaurant in Leytonstone, but it has to be questioned whether this venue – open only to diners – will be able to retain the atmosphere of a comedy club. (Jon says: “Sorry, but it’s No curry No comedy!”) The next evening is on 10 May, details available at http://wansteadcomedynight.co.uk

If anyone has any better ideas of venues actually in Wanstead for the continuation of the Wanstead Comedy Night, now would be a good time to suggest them…

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